Sometimes when a property in central Portugal is being sold there are documents that need to present the same areas, and sometimes the “caderneta predial” a document from the finance office matrix, and the “certidão de teor”, a document from the notary, Portuguese property registry office don’t match. In these cases there is the need to do a area rectification survey of the property by a certified engineer that will do the correct measures and certify them to be rectified.
Also, when you buy a property in central Portugal, many times the boundaries in the rustic land are difficult to mark and to point, and you can also hire our services to delimit your rural property by GPS, and have in registered in a map.
This area rectification survey is usually signed by the neighbors has they agree on the drawing, and it is always a valid document to present when needed in several situations.
Long time ago, when the land was first registered in the finance matrix, many owner wouldn’t declare all the land with the purpose of paying less taxes, so they would just declare the agricultural land, and leave out the forestry area. Also there were no area rectification surveys and most of the measures where done by eye and tape measure.
The procedure is not expensive and each time more owners decide to provide with one to be clear of all the doubts, and we also believe that in a near future all rustic land will have a area rectification survey registered in the finance office.