Natural habitats and semi – natural area
3 Freshwater Habitats
31 Still waters
3170 * Mediterranean temporary ponds
32 Running water – Sections of water courses with natural or semi ( beds small, medium and large ) where the water quality shows no significant deterioration
3260 Water courses of plain to montane basement floors with vegetation Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho – Batrachion
3280 flowing Mediterranean permanent Paspalo – Agrostidion with curtains of Salix and Populus alba
4 heaths and woods of the temperate zone
4020 * Temperate Atlantic wet heaths with Erica Erica ciliarise tetralix .
4030 European dry heaths
5 Matos sclerophyllous
52 Bushes Mediterranean arborescent
5230 * Bushes Arborescent Laurus nobilis
6 natural and semi-natural grasslands
62 semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies
6230 * of Nardus grasslands , species-rich , siliceous substrates in mountain areas ( and submontane areas in Continental Europe)
64 semi- humid grasslands of tall grass
6430 Communities of tall grass hygrophilous basal edges of floors and montane to alpine
65 Prados mesophilic
6510 hay meadows poor lowland ( Alopecurus pratensis , Sanguisorba officinalis )
7 raised bogs , mires and fens
71 Sphagnum acid
7110 * Active raised bogs
8 rocky habitats and caves
81 Deposits rocky slope
82 Rocky slopes with vegetation chasmophytic
8220 Siliceous rocky slopes with vegetation chasmophytic
8230 Siliceous rock with pioneer vegetation of the Sedo – Scleranthion Sedo or Albi – Veronicion dillenii
9 Forests
Forests ( Sub) natural essences in indigenous forests of tall trees, with typical undergrowth vegetation , which correspond to one of the following criteria : rare or residual, or species of Community interest .
91 Forests of Temperate Europe
91B0 Thermophilous Fraxinus angustifolia
91E0 * Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior ( Alno – Padion , Alnion incanae , Salicion Albae )
92 Mediterranean deciduous forests
9230 Galician- Portuguese Quercus robur and Quercus pyrenaica
9260 Forests of Castanea sativa
92A0 Salix alba and Populus alba
93 Mediterranean sclerophyllous forests
9330 Forests of Quercus suber
9340 Forests of Quercus ilex and Quercus rotundifolia
Iberian frog ( Rana Iberian )
Green Frog ( Rana perezi )
Lusitanian salamander ( Chioglossa lusitanica ) * – Endemism
Salamander – of -pints – yellow ( Salamandra salamandra )
Sapo – common ( Bufo bufo )
Sapo – midwife ( Alytes obsteticans )
Marbled Newt ( Triturus marmoratos )
Newt the Orange – bellied ( Triturus boscai )
Goshawk ( Undetermined ) ( Accipiter gentilis ) *
Booted Eagle ( Hieraaetus pennatus )
Short-toed Eagle ( Insufficiently Known ) ( Circaetus gallicus ) *
Round eagle -winged ( Buteo buteo ) *
Bonelli’s Eagle ( Rare ) ( Hieraaetus fasciatus ) *
Golden Eagle ( Endangered ) ( Aquila chrysaetos ) *
White Wagtail ( Motacilla alba )
Grey Wagtail ( Motacilla cinerea )
Red-rumped Swallow ( Hirundo daurica )
Swallow – the – barriers ( Delichon urbica )
Swallow – the – snow ( Hirundo – rustica )
Swallow – the – rocks ( Ptyonoprogne rupestris )
Black Swift ( Apus apus )
Centipede ( Lithobius forficatus )
Scorpion ( Buthus occitanus )
Beetle ( Lucanus cervus )
Cicada – of – ash ( Cicada orni )
Antlion ( Myrmeleon formicarius )
Callimorpha quadripunctaria *
Euphydryas aurinia *
Rabbit ( Oryctolagus curiculus ) *
Ferret ( Mustela nivalis )
Genet ( Genetta genetta )
Wild boar ( Sus scrofa ) *
Otter ( Lutra lutra )
Bat – to -small horseshoe ( Rhinolophus hipposideros )
Hedgehog ( Erinaceus europaeus )
Fox ( Vulpes vulpes ) *
Mongooses ( Herpestes ichneumons )
Polecat ( Mustela putorius )
Mole ( Talpa occidentalis )
Deer ( Cervus elaphus )
Barbel ( Barbus bocagei )
Boga ( Chondrostoma polylepis Steindachner )
Roach ( Rutilus alburnoides )
Eel (Anguilla anguilla )
Climb ( Leuciscus sp . )
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss )
Trout – of – river or trout – fario ( Psalm fario | trutta )
Slow- water – forked ( Natrix )
A water lizard ( Lacerta schreiberi ) *
Lizard -eating fox ( Psammodromus algirus )
Slow Worm ( Anguis fragilis )
Common Gecko ( Tarentola mauritanica )
Lizards ( Lacerta lepida )
Horned viper ( Vipera latastei )
Large species :
Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus globulus Labill )
Beech ( Fagus sylvatica L. )
Laurel ( Laurus nobilis L. )
Pine ( Pinus pinaster Aiton )
Pseudotsuga ( Pseutotsuga menziessi ( Mirb ) Franco)
Willow ( Salix sp . )
Holly ( Ilex aquifolium L. )
Rockrose ( Cistus ladanifer L. )
Broom ( Cytisus vulgaris )
Arbutus ( Arbutos unedo L. )
Dwarf gorse ( Ulex europaeus L. )
Heathers ( Erica spp . )